The one where Andy tries to improve his audio quality by putting his head in a bucket. It doesn't work. This Week in Infosec Tweet of the Week Billy Big Balls of the Week Industry News Rant of the Week Just one more thing...
It's definitely episode 24 and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
This week in Infosec
17th Sept 2003: Court documents were unsealed which showed that Melissa virus author David Smith began working with the FBI within weeks of his 1999 arrest
18th Sept 2014: Apple announced that the iOS 8 operating system (used on iPhone and iPad) would encrypt data by default for the first time. A day later Google made a similar announcement pertaining to Android.
Tweet of the Week
This weeks Tweet of the Week is from the second best Infosec Podcast after we discovered they crowdsource their content (which is why it’s probably better than ours):
Billy Big Balls of the Week
Best security blog post you'll ever read - better than 90% of blackhat / defcon talks
“When you browse Instagram and find former Australian Prime Minister Tony Abbott's passport number”
Industry News
Zero Trust Adoption Increases During Lockdown
#GartnerSEC: Professionals Survived #COVID19 as Businesses Relied on Security
#GartnerSEC: Top Projects for 2020 Include Authentication, Risk Management and Cloud
#GartnerSEC: Five Steps to Ensuring Board Engagement
#GartnerSEC: #COVID19 Created New Roles, More Data Collection and Flexible Businesses
#GartnerSEC: Rewrite Recruitment Strategies to Fit New Roles and Career Paths
Outbound Email Errors Cause 93% Increase in Breaches
#GartnerSEC: Top Trends for Risk and Security Include Cloud, Automation and Privacy
#GartnerSEC: How Midsized Enterprises Can Recover from Ransomware
DDoS Attacks Hit 1 Tbps in 2020
Universities Face Increase in Ransomware Attacks as Students Return
Rant of the Week
First rule of twitter - rather than just praise someone and applaud them for good work... make it all about you
Novi Sad, Serbian Gangster (not for the faint of heart... unpleasantness abounds)