The Host Unknown Podcast

Episode 48 - The Biggest Loser

Episode Summary

Jav and Thom are competing to be the biggest loser recently, fed up with being diagnosed with having FLU. Andy refuses to be defined by a number from his bathroom scales. Stay secure, safe and healthy, friends! There is a podcast here somewhere as well.

Episode Notes

The Biggest Loser, Week 0

Andy is running a book if you are interested in a little flutter on who will be the healthiest in the next six months.

Jav issues an apology to our listeners for misinformation and to Andy for correcting him when he stated the opposite had occurred:

Evil Knievel:

Andy *Bathes in the glory of a heartfelt apology from Jav* Jav spoke at Infosecurity Conference and Thom spoke at The SASIG

Thom mentions  the Nextdoor supplemental episode released midweek and how we could have saved many more people from the Royal Mail text scam had we not run out of time:


This week in Infosec

(Liberated from the “today in infosec” twitter account):

  1. 25th March 2010: Albert Gonzalez was sentenced to 20 years in prison for stealing credit card data from TJX and other companies. He is currently serving his sentence at FMC Lexington, a Kentucky facility for inmates requiring medical or mental health attention.

  1. 21st March 2021: Announcement from Attrition that on March 20, 2021, an argument was made to open their mirror back up to everyone.

While we had provided access to the mirror for a couple dozen people over the last ten years, we think it may be beneficial to be public. Some defacers from back then want a trip down nostalgia lane. We still have reporters doing in-depth research on various topics that request access to dig up historical citations. It stands to reason more might be interested in revisiting the 'good old days' and the content that would lead us to over one million hits a few days. With that, the doors are open again. We hope you enjoy”.


Rant of the Week

Daniel Kelley, Associate Director, Center for Technology and Society at Anti-Defamation League

Today we're releasing our annual nationally representative survey of hate and harassment on social media.

In a year where tech companies made bold statements about their efforts to address hate on their platforms, Americans' experience of harassment remained constant.

41% of Americans experienced harassment online according to this year's survey, with 27% experiencing severe harassment, which includes stalking, sustained harassment, physical threats, sexual harassment, doxing and swatting.

Overwhelmingly, the platform where Americans experience harassment was Facebook- 75% of Americans who were harassed reported being harassed on Facebook with the next highest being Twitter at 24%


Billy Big Balls of the Week

Story of Helen Bevan, Chief Transformation Officer at the NHS, had her two Twitter accounts, with nearly 140,000 followers, stolen by hackers and used to promote fake PlayStation 5 sales.

She now has the accounts back but has received dozens of messages from people who fell for the scam.

Ms Bevan also paid money to someone who said they could help - but they turned out to be a scammer too.

She said she wanted to highlight the importance of extra security measures.

NHS Horizons chief transformation officer Ms Bevan mistakenly thought she had activated two-factor authentication (2FA), which requires account-holders to use two methods to log in, the second often involving a code sent by text or email.  

She’s got an easy out if she doesn’t want to upset this guy:


Industry News

Russian Man Pleads Guilty in Tesla Extortion Plot

UK Govt Department Loses 306 Mobiles and Laptops in Two Years

Delhi Police Bust Call Center Scammers

Fired IT Contractor Jailed for Retaliatory Cyber-Attack

UK Govt Department Loses 306 Mobiles and Laptops in Two Years

Firms Urged to Patch as Attackers Exploit Critical F5 Bugs

Drug Maker to Pay $50m for Destroying Data

FatFace Faces Customer Anger After Controversial Breach Response

Half of UK Firms Suffer Cyber-Skills Gaps


Javvad’s Weekly Stories

Jav interviewed by PureVPN


Tweet of the Week